Hearthstone Tourney All the ideas and discussions
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If someone disconnect let someone join the tournament, if someone join the tournament give the disconnected player 2 minutes to return.

Disconnected players are given a lot of time to reconnect, when someone disconnect let others players to enter the tournament, so if the disconnected dont return in 2 minutes he will be dropped.
This will help things flow in a quickly way.

Aloks , 08.02.2014, 15:01
Response from the site administrator
tidwell, 08.02.2014
Currently this is set to 4 minutes (both before and during the tournament). I think you're correct that it makes a lot more sense to have a shorter limit before the event starts (and possibly a countdown to put players at ease).

The multi/joining actually does work now (I believe), if a player leaves the site then another joins it will show 9/8 until the other player is dropped.

Good points... I'll have to think about all of these in more detail.
Idea status: in process


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